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Please fill out the project assessment form carefully. An incomplete form may delay the payment of the grant. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. You can find instructions for filling out each section under the question mark (?). The grant is paid against the Project assessment form issued afterwards. By this form the grant recipient details the project’s expenditure and assesses the success of the project. In the case of histories, the association / non-profit organization must supply the number of histories specified in the decision to the city before the grant is paid. The receipts must be attached to the Project assessment form if the sum to be paid is EUR 500 or more. If the grant to be paid is less than this amount, the grant recipient must keep the receipts for one year for possible verification. Certified copies of the receipts will serve as supporting documents. The grant recipient is obliged to retain the receipts and if needed, to present them to the Public Cultural Services or to the City of Tampere or an auditor representing the city on request. If the project grant is intended to cover expenses related to salaries or wages, the applicant must submit proof of payment of wages and salaries after the event. The receipts must show that, in addition to the payment of wages, the applicant has also paid for occupational pension contributions, unemployment insurance contributions and other compulsory incidental expenses relating to the payment of wages. The applicant always takes care of employees’ pension security by paying TyEL contributions to the employment pension company. Receipts for the payment of salaries must be submitted with the Project assessment form, even if the grant amount is less than EUR 500. In particular for individuals and teams, the system is recommended for the payment of salaries and wages. This Project assessment form must be submitted no later than two (2) month after the event, implemented project or publishing of the history. If necessary, you can request an extension from Marianna Lehtinen: 040 801 6868 Inquiries related to the project grant payment and the usage report form: Jaana Leppäkorpi 040 806 2469